Contact Any Celebrity
Post date: Feb 12, 2015 10:45:26 PM
Reviews >
Contact Any Celebrity
posted 12 Feb 2015, 14:45
If you have ever thought that your fundraising might benefit from celebrity endorsement - either in the long term or for a once-off event - then Contact Any Celebrity is a resource that is worth checking out.
It is also a potentially useful resource for Major Gift Fundraising, offering a database of the causes that individual celebrities support, along with other important information like contact details, publicists, agents, etc.
Certainly the site makes big claims for itself, but it comes with strong recommendations and endorsements too.
It is possible to do it yourself, as I have done many times. This online directory and its helpful staff will help you find any celebrity in the world. - Timothy Ferris, The 4-Hour Work Week.
Contact Any Celebrity is an Online Database that claims to possess an "the best mailing address, agent, manager, publicist, production company, and charitable cause for over 59,000 celebrities and public figures."
And if that wasn't enough it also claims to provide "contact information for over 9,000 celebrity representatives and 5,000 entertainment companies with phone, fax, and email addresses."
Sources who have recommended Contact Any Celebrity include CNN, Entrepreneur Magazine and Timothy Ferris, lifestyle guru and author of The 4-Hour Work Week.
According to the site's founder Jordan McAuley:
People often ask me if celebrities really want to to be contacted, or if any of them mind being included in the Contact Any Celebrity Rolodex.
Here's what I tell them:
I started Contact Any Celebrity in 1996, and I can honestly tell you that since that time I have only received one... one! letter from a "celebrity" (who I had never heard of) asking to be removed. And when I went to delete her record, she wasn't even in our database!
I have, however, received many calls, emails, and notes from celebrities and their representatives over the years to update their contact details.
Usually I hear from the celebrity's agent or manager, and most of them send us their client list so we can update all of the celebrities they represent at one time.
So yes, celebrities do want to hear from you - just make sure you contact them the right way to get a response!
Contact Any Celebrity promises:
Unlimited Celebrity Searches
Cross-Referenced Search Results
Daily Database Updates.
If you can't find a celebrity 'just let them know'. With On Demand Research Requests they promise to; "research the celebrity’s address or company for you and update the information in the online database, usually within 24-48 hours."
They offer you a Postage Refund Guarantee - "If any letters are returned to you by the post office, simply mail the envelopes back to us. We’ll cut you an immediate Postage Refund Check for fifty-cents per return."
Most importantly for fundraisers they also provide what they call a Celebrity Causes Database - "Find out which celebrities contribute time and money to your charitable cause. Just choose your cause’s category, and you’ll get a list of celebrities who are known to donate. Now you can target celebrities who will most likely donate!"
If you're still confused or unsure there is a 5 minute video demo you can watch to see how the service works:
Or try it out here - Contact any Celebrity Database. You can get instant access to the online rolodex for seven days for just US$1. Thereafter it costs US$29.97 per month.