About this Web Project
our mission and purpose
This website has been conceived and developed by people with wide-ranging and varying backgrounds in not-for-profit fundraising and related fields of marketing and charity management.
We are motivated by a common concern to foster a positive attitude towards fundraising, to promote professionalism and good practice at all levels. We do this by elaborating a theory and practice of sensible fundraising, emphasising the practical aspect, with due regard to the interests of practitioners and public alike.
Any income that we raise from this website will be ploughed back into making it more effective as a free, educative tool for fundraisers everywhere.
Part of our mission is to explore and harness the potential of online marketing techniques for fundraising purposes. This website has been put together using technology that is freely available and easy to use - once you know how. We are happy to share our expertise with others, and to demonstrate how these techniques might be used as part of your fundraising strategy.
This website is a free service and visitors are invited to share and discuss its content. If you intend to reproduce or re-distribute it in any form all that we ask is that you acknowledge the source. Please use the following attribution:
Copyright © Sensible Fundraising website www.SensibleFundraising.org
We would also like to hear your views, experiences, etc. and encourage you to Drop Us a Line to let us know how the material was received.
Please Contact Us if you are interested in knowing more about any aspect of fundraising, or our work.
We welcome contributions in the form of articles, reviews, papers etc. If you would like to Become a Contributor to this website, please Get in Touch. Your input will be acknowledged. Subject to editorial policy, the content you provide may be used to promote your own fundraising and/or business-related activities, web presence etc.
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on this website, we are not responsible for any errors, of fact or interpretation.