The Story So Far
Post date: Aug 22, 2010 8:41:24 PM
Sensible Fundraising website was launched earlier this year with the stated intention of creating a first-class online resource for fundraisers everywhere.
Since then we have made positive strides in that direction. It has proved an immensely fruitful exercise, has been well received all round and the journey thus far has been an enjoyable one. While there remains a lot to do - and a lot we would like to do - we are confident that we will get there some day, or have fun trying.
In the meantime we would just like to draw our readers attention to some new features that we think you will find useful.
A Recent Site Activity chart has been added. This tells you at a glance which sections of the website have been added or edited most recently. You can find this by clicking on link in the navigation sidebar.
New material is constantly being added and existing sections revamped in light of feedback which we receive, from you. We very much appreciate this feedback since audience participation is key to the success of a project like this.
A section on Fundraising Resources showcases certain online resources that might assist the work of fundraisers and not-for-profits. If you know of any such resources that should be featured here, please tell us. We will be happy to provide coverage.
We do give preference to those resource that are available free of charge. Paid-for products or professional services may be submitted for Review.
Finally, you can now find us on the various social networking sites, including Facebook and Twitter. We intend to use these as platforms, not just to increase our exposure; but also to collect and disseminate news and information of value to fundraisers in their work.
That's all for now, but watch this this space!