Sensible Fundraising
a free online resource for fundraisers everywhere
This is a website for people who fundraise, for whatever purpose, reason, motivation or cause - because they want to or because they have to.
People fundraise for all sorts of causes - popular, controversial, conflicting. Fundraising can be an instrument employed by those who seek to change society, or in order to preserve an existing way of life. In almost all cases, organisations and individuals that fundraise, do so because they believe in their work, and that it is bringing about changes that will lead to human and social betterment in the long run.
Which leads us to an important point: fundraising is not an activity in itself, nor should it be considered as such. It is simply a means towards an end; something that for some people at least, represents a 'common good'.
We start from the premise that fundraising is both straightforward and easy. Of course, there is some theory involved but it is mostly a matter of good practice. There is always a learning curve involved in acquiring any practical new skill. Fundraising is no different in this respect but there is no reason why that should act as a deterrent. With the right training and preparation, you will soon be on your way.
We have called this website Sensible Fundraising, because the information provided is based on sound judgement and practical advice. The website is structured in such a way that reflects the overall theme and purpose - to elaborate the theory and practice (mostly practice) of fundraising:
More sections will be added and existing sections expanded, as the website is developed on an ongoing basis. New material will be made available while current material is constantly subject to revision and re-interpretation, based in part on the feedback that we receive, from people like you!
Any website based on user-generated content is, by its nature interactive. We encourage user participation and have created a special Visitor Gallery for this purpose. You can also Contact Us privately if you have a specific concern that you would like to discuss with us.
We welcome your comments, suggestions, ideas, opinions, tips, advice, etc. One of the more satisfying aspects of working in fundraising is the willingness, indeed eagerness, of practitioners to share their knowledge.
We encourage you to Keep in Touch via e-mail alerts and by subscribing to our News Service.
To Your Fundraising Success!